Thursday, September 22, 2011

Meet the team!

Meet the Capital Quilters members putting Fabrications together. We're just a bunch of quilters who are also really interested in a bunch of other textile arts and crafts!
Back row (from left): Shirley Mooney - quilter, embroiderer, knitter, felter and perfectionist. Sandra Clark- quilter,  sewist, colour junkie. Maryanne Cathro - quilter, costumier, compulsive stashbuilder.
Front row: Lyn Bell - quilter, collector of sewing gadgetry. Sue Sinclair - quilter, meticulous appliquer. Sandra Kennington - Quilter, machine embroiderer, knitter. Absent: Jackie Brennand - quilter, intrepid traveller!
If you want to ask us anything about Fabrications, either leave us a comment on this blog, or email us.
See you there!